Qn1.Explain the meaning of History
Definitions of history
Various definitions have been put forward to define history as a discipline some of them are:
- History is a record of events pertaining to human activities, his social, economic and political development from the past the present and the future.
- History refers to the study of past events, present situation and prediction of the future or it is the study of changes in the process of material production.
- History is defined as knowledge that entails chronologically presented narrations about human activities pertaining to social, economic, technological and political aspects from the past to the future.
Qn. 2. Explain the importance of studying History
Qn.3. Identify sources of History
Sources of history refers to the avenues that can be used to get historical information.
Therefore, the following are sources of history/historical knowledge:
a. Oral traditions
b. Historical sites
c.Written records
g.Linguistic studies
Qn 4. What is Oral tradition?
This refers to the history handed down by word of mouth from one generation to another. It is usually done by talking and listening usually to elders who are believed to be more knowledgeable about past events.
Qn.5. Identify the advantages of oral traditions
1. Can easily be understood by everyone, oral traditions does not segregate.
2. It is accessible as in every area narrators are present.
3. It is cheap or costs less.Generally, elderly people are are willing to provide information free of charge, this makes the source cheap.
4. Helps in the reconstruction of history, it does require several sources in order to tell a story, oral traditions bridge the gap as it is provides evidence to written sources or primary source.
5. Bridges the gap left by other sources of history. As artifacts cannot talk it is oral tradition that does the talking there by filling in the gaps that might have been left by other sources.
it is first handinformation. This therefore means that the historian will be in a position of getting firsthand information from the respondent.
Qn.6. Give five disadvantages of oral tradition
1. Can easily be lost if someone who knows the data dies.
2. Language barrier.As oral tradition involves the passing down of history by use of the word of mouth, the problem of a language barrier is a big hindrance.
3. Cannot stand on its own.
4. Their reliability is rather problematic. It is impossible to judge how much is true history and how much only folklore fiction, legends and myth.
5. Conscientiousness of that person. Is he/she transmitting them the way he heard them or he corrected them for some purpose or other.
6. Most of narrations are centered on people of status in society. Kings, chiefs, queens are often talked about in such stories, there is often little consideration about the masses.
7. Can also pass over immoral cultural acts.
8. Translation might be difficult because some languages have become extinct.
9. It requires too much patience, attention and the power of the memory.
Qn 7. Define Historical sites
These do contain remains which show humanity's physical development, activities and the tools they made and used. The major function of historical sites is to make historical facts more practical.
Areas with physical remains of man and his artifacts.
Examples of historical sites with physical remains of man and his artifacts include the following:
a.Olduvai Gorge, Isimila, EExamples of historical sites in East Africa include:
b.Nsongezi- western Uganda
c.Magosi- eastern Uganda
d. Biggobyamugenyi (Biggo)- central Uganda
e. Lolui, Mubende in Uganda
f. Rusinga Island- southern Uganda
g. Olorgesailie- Kenya
h. Lake Rudolf- Kenya
i. Njoro in Kenya
j. Bagamoyo- Tanzania coast
k. Kilwa- Tanzania coast
l.Isimila- central Tanzania
Qn.8. Adentify Advantages of historical sites
1. As a symbol of social cultural heritage of different societies. Here the society concerned will be symbolized in the site.
2. Helps in the building or the reconstruction of history, as they bridge the gaps that might have been left by other sources.
3. The sites also act as a source of revenue for both the government and private individuals. This is achieved when they act as centre of tourism, and when the tourists visit.
4. The sites act as avenues for research for archaeologists and other scientists.
Qn.9. what is Disadvantages of historical sites
1. It brings confusion to interpret the remains found in the historical sites, for example, rock paintings can bring about different interpretations between historians.
2. Historical sites cannot stand on their own to tell history. This means that historical sites do not fully cater for all historical information required even for societies without documented history.
3. History found in the sites cannot be interpreted by everyone andrequires a qualified personnel to interpret the information.
4. Historical sites are located in remote areas which are not accessible. This makes it time consuming and expensive working on them. Places where the historical sites are located are often also poorly developed.
5. The historical sites maydisappear, as they are often destroyed by natural hazards and changes in the earth like weathering and denudation.
6. Many of the sites are selected on the basis of probability, for example it is assumed that early man lived in caves where there was water nearby and plenty of animals to hunt, fish or catch.
Qn.10. Explain the meaning of Written records
-This refers to the history which has been written down or documented. This is the most common and modern source of history as it cuts across different boundaries. I
Qn.11. Mention advantages of written records
1. Covers a wide section of ideas and different views.
2. It is easily accessible, as almost all areas have books, written materials are like a stone thrown into a pull causing ripples that flow out right across its surface.
3. Usually well explained and well elaborated. Many written records for such as textbooks are well researched, explained and elaborated by the authors.
4. Bridges the gap left by other sources . The written records as a source of historical information play an important role of bridging or filling in the gaps that have been left by other sources.
5.It is very helpful when carrying outresearch. For researchpurposes the most helpful source can be found in written records as it has guidelines, which help theresearcher in his/her research.
6.Easy to get valuable and rare information. It is mainly from written sources that valuable and rare information can be obtained. Many written records are very important as they provide evidence were needed.
7.Easy to make references. If written material is well organised; many of the written sources act as reference material for the different needs and written records as a source of reference.
Qn.13. Disadvantages of written records
1. It is expensive. Written records require a lot of time and resources to prepare, this makes them expensive to produce as compared to oral tradition.
2. Can easily be distorted or misunderstood. As written records are in most cases written in English which recipients might easily misunderstand. Also there might be distortion in the sense that writers might be biased when writing or they might have different approaches on to the same issue.
3. Applicable to educated people only. Written records are limited to a few people in a society.
4. Based mainly on the writer's opinion. Many writers are biased in the sense that they write in their favour of example Eurocentric and Afro centric ideas.
Qn.14. What is Archives
-This refers to collections of private and public documents. This means the place where such documents are kept or found. Archives are collections of public and private documents.
Qn.15. Give any five Advantages of archives
1. It is the best method of collecting and preserving historical information. Most written documents which do contain historical information are preserved in the archives for future use.
2. It archives a variety of information. It is very easy to get historical information of different people and issues at a given time without wasting time and resources.
3. Getting firsthand information is possible, as the documents in archives are the extract materials that were written by the people concerned. For example political parties documents, memories etc.
4. It is very easy to get and identify the exact date of historical events, such as the travels of Vasco Da Gama, African resistance, the scramble for and partition of Africa plus many other important occurrences.
Qn.16. Disadvantages of archives
a.Preserving documents is very expensive.
This therefore makes the source more expensive as compared to other sources. Keeping the documents in archives requires much attention and care.
b. This method is also discriminative, as it is only the literate (educated) that can utilise the information as it is usually written in a language that someone who is not educated might not understand.
c. Societies whose information was not documented will not be represented. Societies with no recorded past will not be represented.
d. Retrieving information from the archives is not easy, as it requires a lot of time and perseverance. This therefore makes it hectic on the side of the impatient historian.
e. Archives are not evenly distributed when compared to other methods like oral tradition. For example, in Tanzania one has to travel to either Dar es Salaam or Arusha in order to find an archive.
Define Museums
- Museums are special places created for preserving historical information. These are places where information about people and past events are stored.
Specialists in a museum who help explain objects to the people are called Museum Curators.
-. Examples of museum in Tanzania are Kalenga in Iringa, Bujora in Mwanza and Halwego and Handebezyo in Ukerwe.
Qn. 17.Identify five advantages of museums
1. They preserve the historical information and material, Itis in the museum that many of historical remains are preserved for future use and referral.
2. They contain a variety of historical items.
3. Museums provide objects that give history a practical touch, as they working as teaching aids. Students of history have the opportunity to put into practice what they study as they see the objects in museums.
4. It is possible to learn about the development of technology of early man from museums.The curators play an important role in explaining artifacts to the people and how they were used.
5. Museums arouse creativity and craftsmanship on the side of the learner. This comes about as the learner sees more and more remains and became more eager to discover more.
6. Attracts tourists.
7. Generating income for the people working in the museums and the government.
8. Source of foreign exchange.
9. Provision of employment for example the museum curators.
10. Easy to identify the social, political and economic developments of a given society from the museum.
11. Many of the museum act as the major source of information for those carrying out research for educational purposes.
Qn.18. Disadvantages of museums
1.They are very expensive to maintain and build. Starting up and maintaining A museum requires a lot of funds. Obtaining and maintaining artifacts is also relatively expensive.
2. Require skilled manpower to operate. Museum curators should have historical bearings and know about the artifacts in the museum.
3. Distortion of historical information, in the museum is possible when the curator is biased. The curator will therefore distort the historical information, as he is subjective in the way he interprets the historical facts.
4. Attitude of the people affects the museum so much that some museums have been forced to be closed.
5.Poor preservation of artifacts, for example the pieces of cloth, chains if not well handled can distort the information and the relevance of the historical facts.
Qn.19. Explain the meaning of Archaeology
- This refers to the science that deals with the study of past materials historical remain of man. Or it is a study of artifacts that have been dug from the earth.
Qn. 20. Give any five advantages of archaeology
1. It provides evidence or authenticity on to historical facts, as the remains are examined thoroughly by the concerned there by supplementing the other sources which might be lacking evidence.
2. Knowledge of artifacts is exposed after excavation. For example pottery, building, rooting plus telling us a great deal about the life and culture of the people long ago through uncovering the buried objects.
3. Archaeology simplifies the past as it helps us to know the past relationships between different people such as in trading activities immigration, emigration, birth and death plus political relations.
4. It is probably the only source that can help us in knowing when and how people lived in a certain place and at what time. This is attained through the use of carbon dating which is a scientific method of finding out the age of dating objects and artifacts .
5. Archaeology helps us to reveal the technology, pastoral agriculture and commercial activities of the past societies. This is achieved through cross examining the remains excavated by the archaeologists.
6. Archaeology is relatively important in supplementing facts that are given by other sources of history. As no source can stand on its own to tell history, therefore it can be reconstructed by the use of archaeology.
Qn. 21. Mention. five Disadvantages of archaeology
1. Archaeology demands much patience.Many artifacts are fragile and delicate which calls a lot of care in the handling of for example fossils.
2. It involves many processes to obtain data out of remains,. For example in excavations require radioactive elements and many other procedures which make the process very expensive.
3. Archaeology consumes a lot of time.The archaeologists or researchers take a lot of time during the preparation for excavation, testing the artifacts and in the interpretation of the data.
4. The remains that are excavated cannot tell the full details of a given historical phenomenon. It is therefore clear that one cannot fully depend on archaeology as the complete source of history.
Qn .22. Give the linguistic studies
-This means the study of language. It refers to study and analysis of languages, their sounds, structure and formation. There is a relationship between the different and various language groups.
Qn.23. Advantages of linguistic study
Linguistic studies are a lubricant of oral tradition, as it is through oral tradition that given information is acquired from the different sources.
Through the linguistics it is possible to tell the possible origin of our languages and how the languages have been distorted. .
Bridging the gaps left by other sources.
Assists in the development of language. It assists in the discovery of different links between the people of a given communities.
