Before the coming of colonialist Africans they had their own social and political system of administration, African administration system was interrupted after the interaction with colonialist in 19th century.
Q.1.what is clan?
-Clan was the organisation which involved combination of several related families with a common ancestor.
Q.2. Outline five role/ responsibilities of clan leaders
1. To distribute land to the communities or clan members.
2. To preserve traditions and customs of the clan.
3. To preserve land belonging to the clan.
4. To settle disputes and quarrels.
5. To find wives for boys and husbands for girls.
2. To preserve traditions and customs of the clan.
3. To preserve land belonging to the clan.
4. To settle disputes and quarrels.
5. To find wives for boys and husbands for girls.
Q.3. Mention two types of clan organization
There are two types of clan organizations in agricultural societies;
1. Matrilineal
2. Partrilineal
1. Matrilineal
2. Partrilineal
Q.4.What is matrilineal clan organization
This is a society where by the husband moved to the wife’s family and children of the new family belonged to the mother’s (wife’s clan). As a result clan heritage was based on the mother’s clan. Uncles have to make all the important decisions concerning the children and the nephews of their sisters. Matrilineal age in Africa was practiced among the Makonde, Makua, Mwera and the Yao of Tanzania and the Kamba of Kenya.
Q.5.What is patrilineal clan organization societies
-This is the system of organization in which the clan heritage was based on the father’s line and all children bared the name of the father.
Q.6.Define chiefdom organization
Q.6.Define chiefdom organization
Chiefdom or Chieftain Organization system was adopted by many societies that were under clan organisation.
This included the Sukuma, Chagga, Nyakyusa, etc.
Q.7. What is age set organization
-This kind of socio-political organization based on age and sex in order to fulfill certain obligations.
Q.8.Mention the main responsibilities of the Moran
i. To protect the whole society as trained soldiers.
ii. To protect live stock against dangerous animals and raiders
iii. To increase the number of animals through raiding their neighbours
iv. To travel with their herds in search for water and pastures.
ii. To protect live stock against dangerous animals and raiders
iii. To increase the number of animals through raiding their neighbours
iv. To travel with their herds in search for water and pastures.
Q.9.Give five responsibilities of elders
1. To control live stock and all the properties on behalf of their communities.
2. To enable norms and ethics to govern the society.
3. They were top overseers of all the spiritual and political matters of the community.
4. They were responsible for counseling other members of the society.
5. To settle disputes among the society members 6. They were regarded as retired producers of the society but their ideas and skills were highly appreciated.
2. To enable norms and ethics to govern the society.
3. They were top overseers of all the spiritual and political matters of the community.
4. They were responsible for counseling other members of the society.
5. To settle disputes among the society members 6. They were regarded as retired producers of the society but their ideas and skills were highly appreciated.
Q.10.Define Ntemi ship and give any seven role/redponsibility of Ntemshp
-Ntemi comes from the word “kutema” which means opening up of new land. It also means finding a locality.Ntemi was the name given to a leader who organized the action of opening up .
Responsibilities of the Ntemi
1. He was the top authority in the political and judicial matters provided overall guidance in the community.
2. He enforced proper uses of resources such as land, water, forest resources etc.
3. He was the overseer of the community food reserve.
4. He settled disputes in the community.
5. He had the religious power. He led the people in his community in performing religious ceremonies and offering sacrifices to the spirits.
6. To collect tributes from his subjects.
7. He provided over all guidance in the society.
1. He was the top authority in the political and judicial matters provided overall guidance in the community.
2. He enforced proper uses of resources such as land, water, forest resources etc.
3. He was the overseer of the community food reserve.
4. He settled disputes in the community.
5. He had the religious power. He led the people in his community in performing religious ceremonies and offering sacrifices to the spirits.
6. To collect tributes from his subjects.
7. He provided over all guidance in the society.
Q.11.Give eight factors for the rise of the Nyamwezi Kingdom
Nyamwezi who lived in central Tanzania area group of the Bantu societies. Each of these societies had their own settlements headed by a chief and titled Mtemi(Ntemi).
Factors for the rise of the Nyamwezi kingdom or chiefdom can be explained below as follows;
Factors for the rise of the Nyamwezi kingdom or chiefdom can be explained below as follows;
1. Ngoni invasions- the Ngoni invasions in Western Tanganyika made the Nyamwezi people to unite in order to resist the Ngoni attackers.
2. The expansion of real trade into the Regional trade/ Long distance trade due to emergency of wealthy traders like the Mirambo who made the effective use of Ruganga.
3. Penetration of the Europeans into the coastal interior trade.This introduced new trading patterns to the Nyamwezi traders who joined together to effective resist European pressure to stop slave trade.
4. The rise of Mirambo as trader and leader used their influence to unite the Nyamwezi land.
5. The use of the gun and gun powder by the Mirambo’s solders; this caused the weakening of watemi submissive to his rule.
6. Growth of the towns Example: Tabora and Ujiji.
7. Population growth.
8. Unity among the people.
2. The expansion of real trade into the Regional trade/ Long distance trade due to emergency of wealthy traders like the Mirambo who made the effective use of Ruganga.
3. Penetration of the Europeans into the coastal interior trade.This introduced new trading patterns to the Nyamwezi traders who joined together to effective resist European pressure to stop slave trade.
4. The rise of Mirambo as trader and leader used their influence to unite the Nyamwezi land.
5. The use of the gun and gun powder by the Mirambo’s solders; this caused the weakening of watemi submissive to his rule.
6. Growth of the towns Example: Tabora and Ujiji.
7. Population growth.
8. Unity among the people.
Q.12.what is state?
State is a community occupying a certain given territory and living under full control of its government and therefore it is independent form of external control.
Q.13.Examine the general factors for the rise of state in East Africa .
1. Conquest- some powerful states conquered the weaker societies and therefore making them strong and expand. For example Buganda conquered Bunyoro in the interlacustrine regions.
2. Trade-trade such as the Long distance trade enabled the society concerned to become strong and powerful after acquiring commodities of different types including weapons which were used for strengthening their societies.
2. Trade-trade such as the Long distance trade enabled the society concerned to become strong and powerful after acquiring commodities of different types including weapons which were used for strengthening their societies.
Baganda got guns from the East Coast to defend and expand. The empire of the Mali, Ghana and Songhai got metal and hoes from north Africa to strengthen their military.
3. Good climate and fertile soils(soil fertility) It led to the increase of food and assurance of feeding which led to population increase, a factor which was very important for the state formation. For instance heavy rainfall and fertile soil enabled production of more food and surplus in Buganda.
4. Good leadership- some African rulers were strong and ambitious to expand their empire so they organized their people and got support from them for example: Kabanga of Buganda.
5. Availability of iron- iron promoted agricultural products and was used for making war weapons which in turn became most important for conrquering other states.
6. Migration-this was a complimentary factor it happened that some people migrated to other states and brought with them new technology and skills which were used to expand and strengthen the new societies concerned.
7. Size of the kingdom- kingdoms that were small in size such as Buganda and Ghana were easier to organize,to administer effectively and to defend unlike the larger kingdoms like the Bunyoro; the effective control was impossible.
3. Good climate and fertile soils(soil fertility) It led to the increase of food and assurance of feeding which led to population increase, a factor which was very important for the state formation. For instance heavy rainfall and fertile soil enabled production of more food and surplus in Buganda.
4. Good leadership- some African rulers were strong and ambitious to expand their empire so they organized their people and got support from them for example: Kabanga of Buganda.
5. Availability of iron- iron promoted agricultural products and was used for making war weapons which in turn became most important for conrquering other states.
6. Migration-this was a complimentary factor it happened that some people migrated to other states and brought with them new technology and skills which were used to expand and strengthen the new societies concerned.
7. Size of the kingdom- kingdoms that were small in size such as Buganda and Ghana were easier to organize,to administer effectively and to defend unlike the larger kingdoms like the Bunyoro; the effective control was impossible.
Q.14.State two types of state organization
1. Decentralized state(non-centralized) or stateless political societies
2. Centralized kingdoms and empires
What is decentralized state?
These are societies that did not have well defined and complex or centralized system of government.
2. Centralized kingdoms and empires
What is decentralized state?
These are societies that did not have well defined and complex or centralized system of government.
Q.15.Mention seven characteristics of decentralized states:
1. Most of them are small in terms of population and geographical areas.
2. Stateless political societies in Africa were usually made up of a group of either neighboring towns or villages that had no political connection with a larger kingdom as a nation.
3. They are characterized by politically autonomous villages. That is each village was politically separated and not connected to the neighboring village also no hereditary chiefs.
4. These were religious organization structures of kinship ties lineage groups and secret societies that provided regulations.
5. They did not have a system of chiefs, it showed position of chief was weak and was not hereditary.
6. Chiefs were usually selected by a group of elders and not based on their family connections.
7. Some decentralized societies did not have chiefs they were organized by a council of elders which comprised of many elderly people in the community.
2. Stateless political societies in Africa were usually made up of a group of either neighboring towns or villages that had no political connection with a larger kingdom as a nation.
3. They are characterized by politically autonomous villages. That is each village was politically separated and not connected to the neighboring village also no hereditary chiefs.
4. These were religious organization structures of kinship ties lineage groups and secret societies that provided regulations.
5. They did not have a system of chiefs, it showed position of chief was weak and was not hereditary.
6. Chiefs were usually selected by a group of elders and not based on their family connections.
7. Some decentralized societies did not have chiefs they were organized by a council of elders which comprised of many elderly people in the community.
Q.16.Give the characteristics of centraluzed state
Presence of a king or queen.
The clan had to pay tribute to the monarchy
Availability of enough food to feed the settled population
The centralised authority was responsible for solving social disputes.
The clan had to pay tribute to the monarchy
Availability of enough food to feed the settled population
The centralised authority was responsible for solving social disputes.
Q.17.Mention the factors for rise of Ghana Empire
1. Agricultural activities
2. Availability of valuable goods e. g gold
3. Trans – Saharan trade in gold and salt
4. Good leadership and efficient system of government.
5. Common language.
Outline factor for Decline of Ghana empire
1. Almoravids constant attacks
2. Disunity among people
3. Jihad wars
4. Lack of stable system of royal successions
5. The rise of rural kingdoms e.g. Mali
2. Availability of valuable goods e. g gold
3. Trans – Saharan trade in gold and salt
4. Good leadership and efficient system of government.
5. Common language.
Outline factor for Decline of Ghana empire
1. Almoravids constant attacks
2. Disunity among people
3. Jihad wars
4. Lack of stable system of royal successions
5. The rise of rural kingdoms e.g. Mali
Q.18.outline the factors for rise of Mali empire
Early in the 3rd C Ghana fell apart as a result of the war between Samangwa the king of Ghana and Prince Sundiata Keita the king of Kagaba. Ghana was defeated and Ghana fell under Sundiata’s rulership. Sundiata formed a large kingdom known as Mali the capital was Niani and the title of the ruler was Mansa.
factor for rise of Mali empire
1. The fall of Ghanaian empire
2. Control of gold fields of Bure
3. Strong army
1. The fall of Ghanaian empire
2. Control of gold fields of Bure
3. Strong army
4. Agricultural activities
5. Trans – Saharan trade
6. Strong leadership of Sundiata Keita and later Mauna Kan Kan Musa
7. Islamic faith which promoted libraries and Islamic universities.
5. Trans – Saharan trade
6. Strong leadership of Sundiata Keita and later Mauna Kan Kan Musa
7. Islamic faith which promoted libraries and Islamic universities.
Q.19. mention factors for decline of mali empire
1. Weak leadership after the death of Mansa Mahmud IV
2. Empire became too large to control
3. Lack of unity and the empire was divided into three spheres of influence and they foughtagainst each other.
4. Attacks by Tuaregs
5. Civil wars
2. Empire became too large to control
3. Lack of unity and the empire was divided into three spheres of influence and they foughtagainst each other.
4. Attacks by Tuaregs
5. Civil wars
1000AD The discovery of iron
1498 - Vasco Da Gama arrived at the cape
1500 - Emergence of Ntemi system of organization
1698 - Fall of fort Jesus
1700 - End of Portuguese rule in East Africa
1741 - Mombasa establishes itself as an independence sheikhdom
1840 - Sultan Said shifts his capital from Muscat to Zanzibar
1800 - The industrial revolution in Europe
1900 - Signing of the Buganda agreement
1945 - Formation of UNO
1955 - Formation of TANU
1957- Independece of Ghana
1961 - Independence of Tanganyika
1964 - The Zanzibar revolution
1992 - Multiparty politics in Tanzania
1999 - Death of Mwl. Julius Nyerere
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