Neo-Colonialism, Refers to the indirect control of the African nation by their former colonial masters socially, politically, and economically. This came about following the attainment of flag independence from the colonial masters. The colonial administrators took steps to ensure that their economic interest would not be jeopardized by the transfer of power.
One of the methods was to prepare ground for the creation of puppet leaders by involving leaders of national movement into colonial government. This ensured that emerging leaders were groomed to up hold the existing exploitative relations.
Secondly the process of handing over power ensured that neo colonial relation would follow independence as to grantee the economic interest of the former colonial master, the constitution was made and approved by the colonialists, they made sure that the western model of political authority was followed in the independent country, The strategic sectors were preserved to the colonial masters like Finance, and International relation. In fact even in those fields that African was given responsibility the colonial did not vacant.
Neo-colonialisrn has got four forms and it’s through these forms African countries are controlled and exploited by their former colonial masters and other capitalist countries, like USA. In other words how neo colonialism operates, as to meet the interest of the imperialists.
Through massive investment by imperialist multi-corporations companies, as a way to exploit market area for investment and cheap labor of Africa e.g. such corporations include. Coca-Cola, Barclays Banks, Shell mining companies etc.
Through controlling the World market by fixing price of African cash crops by keeping the prices low so that African remain dependant to their aid.
To make Africa a damping place for cheap European manufactured goods, so that Africa remain dc-industrialize, and depend on them for consumer goods.
Monopolizing technology by preventing Africans to engage into new technologies
e.g. EEC - ACP relation signed in 1976 between European Economic Community and African Caribbean and Pacific, prohibiting African nation to produce sensitive commodities that are produced by European nations.
Through giving loans and grants under World Bank and IMF to Africans with very high interest rate and unrealistic conditions, this proves hard for African nations to pay back, that result into debt burden.
Sending of European ‘expatriates’ to work in African countries for interests of their countries and then are given higher standard of living than the local people like high wages expensive accommodation, luxurious cars, which makes all the funds given as aid to be spent to the foreigner expatriates.
Through international financial organs like IMF, W.B, IBRD, EU, GATT etc to make policies that enable them to continue exploiting the third World countries e.g. S.A.P.
Through establishing relation with a ruling class and create a puppet leader, so that can be influenced according to their interest (the imperialist.)
Through political influence and ideology following the imperialist democracies like parliamentary system election and multi party system, under the influence of UN.
Through propaganda of mass media making Africans to listen their radios like BBC, CNN, VOA, D.W
Through planting and supporting puppet leaders who serve their interests e.g. Yoweri Museveni in Uganda J. Rawlings in Ghana.
Over throwing communist oriented government and putting capitalist based government e.g. Zaire in case of Lumumba in l96O and Ghana in case of Nkrumah
Through influence of films, books, and education syllabus where by the curriculum is developed by the agents of colonialist that it is European based to a big extent.
Provision of scholarships to Africans to study abroad, in their countries.
Brainwashing Africans through ideological indoctrination.
Establishment of military bases e.g. USA has got 234 military base in 44 countries of Africa.
To provide military assistance like weapons and instructors to train African military men.
By conducting coup d’état in the case of stubborn leaders who are against their economic interests.
By developing self sustainable and self reliance economies which may reduce the problem of dependence to the metropole.
African should develop science and technology of their own, by encouraging science subjects in school and higher institutions, research must be conducted often to come out with new ideas, instead of depending foreign on technology.
African should encourage and strengthen the regional integration which may increase their economic power and political dominance. E.g. EAC, SADC, ECO WAS, etc.
African countries should diversify their economies from monoculture to both industrial and agricultural sector, this will reduce over dependence of one sector, so that incase of the collapse of prices of one sector should not heavily affect the national economy
African should socialize and nationalize productive forces to reduce individual monopolies in economic and political power.
African should form democracy, transparence accountability in public offices to reduce the danger of corruption nepotism and embezzlement
To reject western interference in the political, economic and social affairs of African issues so as we develop an independent decisions and independent mind.
African should reject western standards like culture dressing foods and etc because they only create market for European goods and make African damping place. This discourages the development of infant industries in the continent.
Avoid civil war and conflicts that bring about economic backwardness and concentrate on political solution to iron out internal dispute instead of applying gun
The organization of African unity was founded on 25’ May 1963 in Addis Ababa Ethiopia by thirty- two heads of state of then independent African states the first chairman was Emperor Haile Sellasie of Ethiopia. This was inspired by pan — Africanist sentiment of bringing all people of African origin both in the Diaspora and Africa under a single organization, to fight and protect their rights.
Nkurumah one of the pioneers of African union and the founding father of Ghana was greatly influenced by his education in USA. he believed that the only way to achieve complete economic as well as political freedom from European domination was to create a powerful new ‘United states of Africa’ then through continental wide cooperation, Africa would really take place on the world economic and political stage on terms o equality. In unity Nkrumah saw strength, but in practical terms his dream proved illusory.
The primary aim of OAU was to promote African unity and solidarity as the only way forward to achieve complete economic as well as political freedom from other countries of the world, because unity and solidarity would make Africa a superpower among other countries.
To co-ordinate and intensify the cooperation and the efforts of African states to achieve a better living of people of Africa and also to help the speeding up of the decolonization in the rest of Africa.
To defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of African states, one of the OAU principle states the acceptance of the principle of non interference in internal affairs of member state.
To eradicate all forms of colonialism in Africa and acts of slavery in the entire continent of Africa by promoting freedom and human rights to be given first priority.
To promote international cooperation in accordance of the United Nations Organization and the universal declaration of human rights.
The existence of sovereign equality of all members.
Non interference in the internal affairs of the member states.
Respect for the sovereignty and the inalienable right to independent of all member states
Peaceful settlement of disputes by negotiation, mediation and conciliation or arbitration
The affirmation of the policy of non-alignment
Unreserved condemnation of political assassination as well as of subversive activities against any member state.
It achieved to unite the diverse countries of Africa; this has been attained despite discrepancies in political ideology, levels of economic development, language colonial experience and vast geographical differences. There was of course disagreement between states and groups of states but its main aim was unity and OAU survived its first three decades with no permanent sprit.
It has achieved in providing a forum for discussing common problems of African states and offering solution like discrimination or apartheid, diseases and civil wars among others. Which to a big extent have been dealt with.
The regular meetings of ministers and heads of state have helped to generate greater awareness of other countries problem
OAU has also achieved in Liberation’ of Africa from colonialism e.g. Zimbabwe, Angola, and Namibia, through the provision of moral and material support to .the nationalistic movements in various nations.
The African development bank, which grew out of the OAU in 1967, became an invaluable tool for mobilizing world finance for Africa development projects. The idea of coordinating and mobilizing international capital for the benefit of Africa was of particular value during the 1 970s and early 1 980s.
O.A.U has provided many African refugees with jobs and education, who came as a result of internal conflicts in various African nations
The organization has taken measures to improve agriculture, industry, transport and communication trade and education cooperation in various countries.
The meeting of heads of states each year to discuss the problems and achievement of the continent is one of the achievements.
Many conflicts have been solved by the organization in the continent e.g. the war between Tanzania and Uganda 1978, Mali and Burkina Faso 1985, Kenya and Somalia 1970 etc.
OAU has encouraged Regional integration among is member states, such as ECOWAS 1975, SADC 1980, COMESA 1993, has its roots from O.AU.
OAU has achieved in acting as chief mediator between various African states to avoid the occurrence of bloodshed e.g. between Ethiopia and Eritrea.
A member state decides individually and voluntarily to be the member of the organization and it could withdraw its membership at any time that it fills to do so, this weakens the strength of the organization e.g Morroco is not a member.
Another big problem that faced OAU was that it had no legal sanction to enforce its resolutions. Member state could decide to refuse or ignore to implement the organizations decisions, that is why it has always been blamed for being little more than ‘a talking-shop’ with no serious implementation of her resolutions.
Lack of adequate funds it largely based on the annual contributions of member states Most of the member states delayed to pay or defaulted to pay their contributions, this made the organization to fail to run its activities.
Unequal development of the members of the organization caused by poverty, illiteracy, and unequal distribution o resources.
There are many refugees in Africa which is the result of civil wars in many areas of the continent such as Burundi, D.RC, Sudan, Somalia, etc.
The continent is still poor depending on debts and loans from World Bank and I.M.F, with difficult conditionalities to fulfill.
Differences in languages and religion, some societies are proud of their mother tongue; other countries are using English, others Arabic, French etc every state/tribe wants to use the language of her interest. There is tension between fundamentalist Muslims who want to apply Sharia law while Christians wants western system of democracy.
African countries are affected by natural disasters such as drought, floods, earthquake, A.I.D.S, etc these affects the welfare of the people.
Difference in ideology of the member states, head of states are unable to come together to discuss their problems.
Lack of a single currency to be used by all member states since it isn’t decided on to be used; this hinders trade activities in the continent.
Weak economic base of many of the member states most of the member state had just got their independence from European imperialist nations; all are based on production of primary goods of agriculture products and minerals that fetched little prices.
The Formation of AU (AFRICAN UNION)
AU is the organization of African countries which originally started by the declaration to the heads of states and Government of the O.A.U. to establish African Union on 9 —9-1999. The Constitutive Act of the African Union was adopted and entered into force in 2000 at the Lome summit in Togo. In 2001 the African countries putdown the plan for the implementation of the Union in Lusaka while in 2002 they held the first Assembly of the Heads of states of AU in Durban where Thabo Mbeki of South Africa became the 1t chairman. Its headquarters are in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia
The Reason Which Led to the Rise of AU
The fulfillment of the basic O.A.U objectives led to the formation of AU. Formerly O.A.U. had succeeded to achieve such objectives like eradication of colonialism in Mozambique, Angola , Zimbabwe, and destruction of apartheid in South Africa. Then, the leaders realized that there was a need to create a new organization which dealt with the social, economic and political problems in the rapid changing world in 1990’s. During this time Africa faced economic decline, unfavourable economic relationship with the developed nation and the rise of new political systems. There was a need to make an organization to unite Africans against the problems from the situation which prevailed at the moment.
Objectives /Goals of AU
African Union has so many objectives:
To achieve greater unity and solidarity between the African countries and the people themselves.
To defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of members.
To accelerate or increase the political and socio-economic integration (unity) of the continent.
To promote and defend African common positions on issues of interest to the continent and its people.
To, encourage international co-operation in line with the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
To promote peace, security and stability in Africa.
To promote democratic principles and institutions, popular participation and goods governance.
To promote and protect human and peoples’ rights in line with the African charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and other relevant human rights instruments.
To establish the necessary conditions which enable Africa to play its rightful role in the global or world economy through international negotiations.
To promote sustainable development at the economic, social and cultural levels as well as the integration of economies.
To promote co-operation in all fields of human activity to raise the living standard of African peoples.
To coordinate and harmonize the policies between the existing and future Regional Economic communities and the gradual achievement o the objectives of AU.
To enhance the development of the continent promoting research in all the fields especially Science and technology.
To work with relevant international partners in the elimination of preventable disease and the promotion of health on the continent.
The Organs of the African Union
A.U has about 10 organs which included:
(1) The Assembly- It is a supreme organ of the Union. It is composed of heads of states and Government. It has to meet at least once a year in ordinary session, at the request of any member state and on approval by a two thirds majority of member states. It is headed by a chairman for a period of one year.
Its functions are:-
Determine the common policies of the Union.
Receive, consider and take decision on reports and recommendations from the other organs of the Union.
Consider requests for membership of the Union.
Establish any organ of the Union.
Monitor the implementation of policies and decisions of the Union as well as ensure compliance by all members.
Adopt the budget of the Union.
Give directives to the Executive council on the management of conflict war and restoration of peace.
Appoint and terminate appointments of judges of the court of justice
Appoint the Chairman of the commission and his or her deputy and the commissioners as well as determining their functions and terms of office.
(2) The Executive Council — It is composed by the ministers of Foreign Affairs or such other Ministers as decided by Member states. The Executive Council meets twice a year in ordinary session. It also has to meet in extra ordinary session at the request of any member states and upon approval of 2/3 of all members.
(3) The Pan - African Parliament - It is established in order to provide a chance for full participation of African people in the development and economic integration of the continent. The first speaker has been Gertrude Mongella from Tanzania since 2004. The post will be succeeded by many officials from the members in future.
(4) The African court of Justice- when it is fully established its functions and -composition will be given by the union.
(5) The commission - It is the secretariat of the union. It is composed of the chairman, his deputies and the commissioners together with other staff. The Assembly is responsible to provide the functions and regulations of the commission. The current chairman of the commission is H.E. Alpha Oumar Konare of Mali.
(6) The Permanent Representative Committee - It is charged with the responsibility of preparing the work of Executive council. ft acts also on the instructions of Executive council. It may set up sub-committee or groups as it sees necessary
(7) The Specialized Technical Committees - it includes:
The committee on Rural Economy and Agricultural matters.
The committee on Monetary and Financial Affairs.
The committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration Matters.
The committee on Industry, Science and Technology, Energy Natural Resources and Environment.
The committee on Transport, Communications and Tourism.
The committee on Labour, Health and Social Affairs.
The committee on Education, Culture and Human resources. -
The Assembly has to restructure the existing committees and establish others. The body is composed by ministers with competence of respective areas.
The functions of the committees are:
To prepare projects and programmes of the Union and submit it to the Executive council.
Ensure the supervision, follow-up and the evaluation of the implementation of decisions taken by organization of the union.
Coordinate the projects and programmes of the Union.
Submit reports and recommendations on the implementations of the Act of the Union to the Executive council.
Carry out other functions as assigned to any of the committees.
(8) The Economic Social and Cultural Council -This is an advisory organ which is made of professional groups of the member states. All its functions have to be given out by the Assembly.
(9) The Peace and Security Council —It is a body which will deal with peace keeping and conflicts settlements in the member states.
(10) The Financial Institutions — The Union intends to have the African central Bank, the Africa monetary fund and the African Investment Bank to provide financial help to its members.
Problems Which Threaten future success of AU
There are so many problems:
Lack of fund —most of its member are poor nations. It does not get enough money to run its activities.
Civil war in countries such as Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Sudan, Northern Uganda seem to keep these countries far from the goals of AU.
Corruption such as mismanagement of public money by the leader like former president of Zambia, Mr. Chiluba discourages good governance which is on of the interests of AU.
Poor infrastructure such as roads, railways and water ways continued to weaken smooth transport of raw materials from productive areas to industries as well as transport of products from towns to the rural areas.
Epidemics such as HIV/AIDs kills skilled labour which would have been used by AU to develop many sectors like agriculture, industries, fishing and tourism.
Unfovaurable economic relationship between African countries and developed nations still makes African countries fall behind than what is required in economic and social development. They export products to world market and sell them at lower price which in turn could not develop the AU members. All these problems threaten future success of AU.
The Benefits of AU to Tanzania
There are so many benefits which will be acquired by Tanzania from being a member of AU. The benefits include:
Tanzania would get an opportunity to unite with other African countries to solve political conflicts peacefully in several African states and the country will use AU to discuss for the presence of good relationship between Africa, Europe and U.S.A.
Tanzania will make friendship with other African countries through the joint activities and programmes in social and economic sectors. This condition would reduce the number of countries which might have intended to act as enemies of Tanzania on the continent.
Tanzania will get new ideas and information that will be used to solve many problems which exist in agriculture, industry and the 1ea4Th sectors. They will be obtained from various meetings and workshops attended by the leaders of the government.
The financial institutions such as the African central bank and the African investment bank obviously would provide money as loans and grants to Tanzania. The money would be used by the country to develop agricultural production, science and technology, transport and education.
NEPAD (The New Partnership for Africa’s Development)
New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) in the 21st century is a started programme under African Union which intends to bring political, social and economic development in the 21st century.
The Origins of NEPAD
The NEPAD came from a mandate given to the five initiating Heads of States in Algeria, Egypt, Nigeria, Senegal and South Africa by the Organization of African Unity (OAU) to develop an integrated socio-economic development framework for Africa. The 37th Summit of OAU in July, 2001 officially adopted NEPAD as a strategic framework document for African development.
The NEPAD Objectives
To eradicate poverty.
To place African countries, both individual and collectively, on a path of sustainable growth and development;
To halt the marginalization of Africa in the globalization process and advance its full and beneficial integration into the global economy.
To accelerate the empowerment of women.
The Principles of NEPAD
Good governance as a basic requirement for peace, security and sustainable political and socio-economic development;
African ownership and leadership, as well as broad and deep participation by all sectors of society; in the realization of African development.
Bring the development of Africa on its resources and resourcefulness of its people. The principle likely encourage self reliance of African countries.
Partnership between and amongst African peoples in performing various socio-economic development programmes.
Acceleration of regional and continental integration among members of African Union.
Building the competitiveness of African countries and the continent in the world economy.
Forging a new international partnership that changes the unequal relationship between Africa and the developed world; and
Ensuring that all Partnership programme with NEPAD are linked to the Millennium Development Goals and other agreed development goals and targets of the United Nations.
The NEPAD Priorities
The priorities of NEPAD are chosen key areas which have to draw the attention of the members. They are divided into three areas such as:
(a) Establishing the conditions for sustainable development by ensuring
Peace and security exist in African countries.
Democracy and good political, economic and good governance among the people of Africa.
Regional co-operation and integration whereby all countries have to work together for their own development.
Provision of help which enables African states achieves prosperity.
(b) Policy change and increased investment in the following priority sectors such as:
Agriculture which intends to bring food once it is improved.
Human development with a focus on health, education, science and technology and skills development.
Building and improving infrastructure, including Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Energy, Transport, Water and Sanitation.
Promoting diversification of production and exports, particularly with respect to agro-industries, manufacturing, mining, mineral beneficiation and tourism.
Accelerating intra-African trade and improving access to markets of developed countries.
The protection of environment in Africa.
(c) Mobilizing Resources by
Increasing domestic savings and investments.
Improving management of public revenue and expenditure by avoiding misuse of the revenue.
Improving Africa’s share in global trade by exporting products to be sold at fair prices.
Attracting foreign direct investment to African countries.
Increasing capital flows through further debt reduction and increase of aid flows to African countries. Members should work to eliminate debt problem.
Desired Outcomes of NEPAD
NEPAD laid down its outcomes in Africa. The most important outcomes are:
Africa becomes more effective in conflict prevention and the establishment of enduing peace on the continent.
Africa adopt and implements principles of democracy and good political economic and good governance, and the protection of human rights becomes further entrenched in every African country.
Africa develops and implements effective poverty eradication programmes and accelerates the pace of achieving African development goals, particularly human development.
Africa achieves increased levels of domestic savings, as well as investments, both domestic and foreign investments.
Africa achieves desired ability for policy development, coordination and negotiation in the international cooperation, to ensure its beneficial engagement in the world economy, especially on trade and market access issues.
Regional integration is further accelerated and higher levels of sustainable economic growth in Africa would be achieved.
Genuine partnerships will be established between Africa and the developed countries based on mutual respect and equality.
The structure of NEPAD is the organs which implement the decisions passed by the member countries to achieve objectives. The highest authority of the NEPAD implementation process is the Heads of States and Government Summit of the African Union, formerly known as the O.A.U.
The Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee (HSIC) Comprises 3 states per AU region as mandated by the OAU Summit of July 2001 and ratified by the AU Summit of July 2002. The HSIC reports to the AU Summit on an annual basis.
The Steering Committee of NEPAD comprises the Personal Representatives of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government. This Committee oversees projects and programme of development.
The NEPAD Secretariat coordinates implementation of projects and programmes approved by the HSI (The Heads of States and Government Implementation Committee).
It was founded on 6 June 1967; the government of Tanganyika, Kenya and, Uganda signed a treaty in Kampala Uganda. Its history goes back to 1923 when the governor of Tanganyika, Kenya, and Uganda formed the East African Governors Conference to facilitate the cooperation. In 1948 it changed to East Africa high Commission, in 1961 the East Africa common services organization was established.
To promote free trade in goods and services produced among the members.
To provide common services such as railways, harbors, posts and telecommunication.
To provide wider and more secure market for industrial and agricultural goods
To allow free movement of people in the region for trade recreation and other social activities.
To achieve technological innovation and advancement.
To conduct research activities in agriculture, population, medicine and mining for its development.
It aims at solving region problems jointly by the heads of the member states
The problem of the distribution of different services, the distribution was more beneficial to Kenya than Uganda and Tanzania.
Border conflicts e.g. between Tanzania and Uganda during ldd Amin.
The ideological disparity between the three countries, Tanzania self reliance and socialism, Kenya capitalist ideology, Uganda during Idd Amin fascism.
Uneven distribution of the community cake, Kenya took a lion share at the expense of Uganda and Tanzania.
The organization had its roots from colonial period nothing changed fundamentally that
Britain went on benefiting through Kenya.
The East African Bank failed a balance development of industries in the three countries Kenya benefited more than Tanzania and Uganda in income tax and custom duties.
Currency differences the governments restricted free transfer and exchange of currency. This discourages interstate transactions in goods.
The community experienced great losses and debts.
The failure of the member country to contribute the agreed fees
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