Q.1. What is Agriculture
This is an economic activities which involved cultivation of crops and animal keeping. It started at the end of the late Stone Age, this was after man had improved his tools
Q.2. Give the types of agriculture practice included;
1. Permanent crop cultivation
2. Shifting agriculture
3. Mixed farming
4. Pastoralism
2. Shifting agriculture
3. Mixed farming
4. Pastoralism
Q.3. What is Permanent Crop Cultivation
This was the agricultural activities which involved cultivation of crops throughout a year in a particular place.
This type of agriculture practiced in places with fertile land and heavy rainfall throughout the year. Crops such as bananas, palm and coffee were grown
Q.4. What is Shifting Agriculture
This is the type of agriculture whereby farmers cultivate their crops temporary, it involve movement from one area to another until its fertility has been naturally restored.
Q.5.what is Mixed Farming
It is the type of farming where a society keeps livestock while at the same time practicing crop cultivation.
Before colonialism this type of farming was practiced in grasslands where there was a moderate rainfall, in the tropical woodlands, in the steppe areas and in the highland areas that enjoy seasonal rainfall
People practiced mixed farming included The Ankole in Uganda, Kimbu and Sukuma, Wagogo, and Nyamwezi in Tanzania and they also included Kamba and Kikuyu in Kenya.
People practiced mixed farming included The Ankole in Uganda, Kimbu and Sukuma, Wagogo, and Nyamwezi in Tanzania and they also included Kamba and Kikuyu in Kenya.
Q.6. Define Pastoralism
This is among the economic activities which concentrated more on animal keeping, examples of those animals are cattle, goats and sheep, donkeys and camels
Q.7. Mention impact of Agriculture to human life
1.Improvement in agriculture resulted in increased food production. This in turn led to rapid population growth
2. Availability of adequate food enable people to trade and engage in other economic activities
3.Cultivation of crops encouraged permanent settlement
4. Areas used as a market places grew into urban centers
5. Led to the improvement of other economic activities such as Trade and handcraft industries
6. Agricultural also led to introduction of medicine
Q.8.Define Handcraft Industries
2. Availability of adequate food enable people to trade and engage in other economic activities
3.Cultivation of crops encouraged permanent settlement
4. Areas used as a market places grew into urban centers
5. Led to the improvement of other economic activities such as Trade and handcraft industries
6. Agricultural also led to introduction of medicine
Q.8.Define Handcraft Industries
Handcraft means production or manufacturing of goods by using both hand and artistic skills, for example in pre-colonial era in order to suit their needs. The major and crafts produced were irons melting and salt extraction, pottery, cloth making and carpentry.
Some of the famous people in handcraft were the Makonde of Tanzania and Mozambique, Fipa from Rukwa and Nyamwezi.
Some of the famous people in handcraft were the Makonde of Tanzania and Mozambique, Fipa from Rukwa and Nyamwezi.
Q.9.Mention five Importance of Handcraft Industries
i.They helped to identify the culture of a given people
ii.Some handcraft produced used in traditional, religious and cultural activities
iii.They were used as a symbol of Power by Kings
iv.Some traditional societies used handcrafts to symbolize social prestige, beauty and identity
v.Some handcraft products were used as storage facilities such as spoons and furniture.
ii.Some handcraft produced used in traditional, religious and cultural activities
iii.They were used as a symbol of Power by Kings
iv.Some traditional societies used handcrafts to symbolize social prestige, beauty and identity
v.Some handcraft products were used as storage facilities such as spoons and furniture.
Q.10. what is Barter system
Barter System is the exchange of goods for other goods,
Mention two types of trade in pre-colonial Africa
1.Local trade
2. Regional or long distance trade
Mention two types of trade in pre-colonial Africa
1.Local trade
2. Regional or long distance trade
Q.11. what ia local trade
Local trade is an internal exchange within a given society. Local trade in pre-colonial societies did not aim at profit making but rather aimed at enabling people to obtain essential use values that they could not produce themselves. For example a peasant who took his grains to the market to obtain bark cloth was not after profit.
Local trade is an internal exchange within a given society. Local trade in pre-colonial societies did not aim at profit making but rather aimed at enabling people to obtain essential use values that they could not produce themselves. For example a peasant who took his grains to the market to obtain bark cloth was not after profit.
Q.12. Define regional/long distance trade
-This was the commercial transaction which was conducted between different regions, this involved the exchange aimed at profit making.
It developed after the emergence of professional traders who travelled from one region to another. For example copper from Katanga was exchanged for salt from Uvinza.
Examples of Long distance trade are long distance in Central and East Africa and Long Distance trade between North and West Africa (Trans Sahara trade).
Q.13.Mention five dvantages of Long Distance Trade in Central and East Africa
i.Growth of States such as Buganda, Mirambo, Mkwa’s Mwanamutapa
ii.Acquisition of new experience and skills for example iron working
iii.It strengthened local contacts between different communities
iv.People were able to get commodities that they were not able to produce
v.It strengthening some peoples economy
ii.Acquisition of new experience and skills for example iron working
iii.It strengthened local contacts between different communities
iv.People were able to get commodities that they were not able to produce
v.It strengthening some peoples economy
Q.14.Give the disadvantages of Long distance trade
i. Exploitation of africa resources
ii. it led to the fall of some states such as Kazembe, Maravi, Manua and Sere of Tabora
i. Exploitation of africa resources
ii. it led to the fall of some states such as Kazembe, Maravi, Manua and Sere of Tabora
iii.Devastation of economic activity due to slave trade
iv.Occurrence of Insecurity
v.formation of classes between rich and poor people
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